Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? (Matthew 6:27)
The picture above me is a Catholic church that was destroyed in the earthquake. Look what's still standing.. (:
Today was probably the most impacting day of the trip for me. First, we went to church which was amazing. It was soo cool to see these people who have little to nothing, worship God with their WHOLE heart. They didn't hold back. They don't worry. They look to God for everything. It was incrediable. Then we came back and changed then we went on our tour. First we went through the town that we came up through and I thought that was bad. Once we got to Port au Prince, wow. I was devastated. We saw the biggest tent city which holds 60,000. Now, that was devastating. The people would take whatever they had, scraps, clothing, sheets of metal, anything to make their "homes". And they're still happy! We complain about every little thing. We have to have everything to make us happy. Now tomorrow I'm going to go home to my house, bed, shower, water, food, protection, shelter, and what are they in? Barely anything. It really opened my eyes to how much of the things I have are "needs" or "wants". Something else I noticed a lot this week and forgot to put in my earlier posts is how beautiful they are. They are all soooo stunning! All made in God's image. Their smiles are as bright as the sun. These people amaze me.
God really showed to me this week, especially today, that I want to do much more with my life than sit at my house and be comfy. I want to be able to live intensely for Christ. I want to take risks for the One who hung on the cross for me. He gave His whole life. Why shouldn't I? We'll see what God has planned out for me. He can do some amazing things..
Lexi, you have me in tears again. Your passion and heart for serving Christ with your whole life are inspiring.
ReplyDeleteThe verse that keeps running through my mind (even before the trip, but especially after I arrived in Haiti) is from the story of the rich young man. In Mark 10:21 "Jesus looked at him and loved him. "One thing you lack," he said. "Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me."
I think someday sooner rather than later I will be doing just that.
Amen, Lexi. God has made you a very wise girl. Your words and your experiences have touched all of us. I am sooooo excited for your future. (Beginning NOW!) In the world we find terrible troubles, but Christ has overcome the world. WE get to be part of that plan. That is our absolute HOPE and JOY in the midst of this devastated world! Safe travels home, to all of you, and can't wait to give you a big hugs. Love, Greta
ReplyDeletelexi you make me so happy to call you my sister in christ, i love you and i love this journey we get to take together. When i first met you im not gonna lie i thought o great major fruit but now i want nothin more to have as much passion for life and christ as you you amaze even more everyday, i can not stand the wait to see your beautiful face and adorable laugh, im so honored to have met a friend as special as you